Boomerang X – New Video Game Review

The intriguing art-style and combat of Boomerang X is what drew me in, but the boomerang itself is what hooked me. Your unnamed hero wielding a four-sided weapon gave me serious Krull vibes. This is a horrible 1980s fantasy film that I loved deeply. The main character uses a five-sided version of the Glaive. More Info : Venge io.

It was a movie that captured my imagination as a child. While the film doesn’t hold up as well as I would have liked, the basic idea of throwing a bladed weapon at evil villains is what Boomerang X finally delivered to me. Boomerang X is a great retro FPS. I am grateful for my fondness of bad ’80s movies. Boomerang X reveals the rest of the story through the environments.

The village is a ruin, but if you look closely at the houses, you will find the remains of its original inhabitants. A few friendly creatures will provide context and information via text dialogue about the island’s current condition, as well as a brief history of your boomerang. It’s a very “show, do not tell” approach that complements Boomerang X’s mysterious attitude.

Boomerang X offers a unique twist to a single-player arena shooting game. It features a great environmental story, an interesting weapon and a smooth combat system. It’s linear but it has the best Metroid Prime vibes that I have ever felt. I loved exploring each area and getting deeper into the mysterious island. It was so much fun, I wish it was longer.